All orders are subject to food availability. If an item is unavailable at the time you place your order, we will notify and refund you for the unavailable item amount to your account as credit money.
All orders are subject to food availability. If an item is unavailable at the time you place your order, we will notify and refund you for the unavailable item amount to your account as credit money.
Order from the Meals 2 Go menu on our website are only available for delivery to the specified locations and times listed in the website. Customers are responsible for picking up their orders on time. If there are any delays, Iron Chef will notify customers by text message.
Orders from the Iron Chef pickup/delivery menu will be delivered to the customer’s address once the food is ready and a delivery person is available. It will normally take more than an hour from the beginning of the delivery process to the end.
The delivery person will only wait for a maximum of 5 minutes at the pickup location or customer address.
If a customer fails show up to pick up their delivery, customers can go to Iron Chef restaurant to pick up the order by themselves.
If the Meals 2 Go delivery is delayed by any reason, Iron Chef will notify customer by text message.
There are no delivery charges on Meals 2 Go orders, but a mandatory tip for the delivery/service person will be added to the order.
A $3 delivery charge will be applied for orders from the Iron Chef pickup/delivery menu if the order is less than $50(tax excluded). The charge will be waived if the order is over $50.
You are welcome to tip delivery person to appreciate their hard work.
If there is any damage or missing items upon delivery, please contact us immediately at 905-212-9998.
If you have any questions about the delivery or your order, please contact us at 905-212-9998.